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Design Guidelines Update

"Having a historic component to design guidelines is essential to the preservation of our existing historic buildings." -Tom Heuser, CHHS

Our early December meeting opened with Christina Gahn, Planner for the Department of Construction and Inspections for the City of Seattle. In a brief overview, she presented the slides that were available for public viewing at the Community Open house held in November 2017.

The Capitol Hill Design Guidelines were established in 2005 and in 2013, were reformatted, but not changed. The 2017 changes to the guidelines are made with consideration to the rapid growth in our neighborhood homes and businesses.

"...50 new building designs have gone through the Design Review program and received development permits. As the neighborhood continues to grow, the City of Seattle is teaming up with Capitol Hill Housing, the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict and local community members to update the existing Capitol Hill Neighborhood Design Guidelines, which will serve as sa guide for future development throughout all areas within the Capitol Hill Urban Center." -Office of Planning & Community Development

Gahn summarized the Design Review program, which includes: design guidelines, public participation, and professionals that review a broad set of design considerations put forth by the community.

You can participate by attending a Design Guidelines Review meeting, or taking the OPCD Capitol Hill Design Guidelines community survey available through December.

Find out more about the Design Guidelines Update. Check out our current Capitol Hill Design Guidelines, from the City of Seattle.

Capitol Hill Urban Village boundaries (City of Seattle)

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